€ 20 billion allocation for major fishing projects

Shavkat Mirziyoyev, The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a meeting on December 20 to canvass measures to ensure food security, elaborate the fishing industry and boost the efficiency of cooperative fish farming as one of the requisite areas of work in this sphere.

"Rising global food prices and the threat of inflation make it clear that food security will be a top priority the following year. Therefore, the region governors should assay the state of fish farming in their territory and work systematically to create all the conditions for entrepreneurs and households" noted the President.

Over the past five years, the country has implemented 1,016 projects worth 2.2 trillion UZS in the fishing industry, which will increase fish production by 6 times and reach 400,000 tons this year. Fish consumption proliferated by 5.7 times compared to 2016.

At the meeting, it was criticized that these indicators are insufficient and the existing opportunities are not fully used.
In this regard, the issues of intensification of artificial reservoirs, development of clusters and cooperation in the network were addressed. The goal is to elevate fish production to 600,000 tons next year.

In order to do so, the following year 10 thousand homes will intensely yield fish on the basis of the experience by Sharof Rashidov district.

Clusters that produce more than 80 tons of fish per year on a cooperative basis will be exempt from taxes for three years. Additionally, clusters hired by foreign experts will be reimbursed.

The amount of loans provided to home fish farmers under the "Every Family is an Entrepreneur" program will be doubled, and 400 billion UZS and $ 20 million will be allocated for these purposes next year.

Land and property taxes for fish farmers will be abated by 50 % and transferred to the self-employed.

It is also planned to attract 20 million euros for major fishing projects the year ahead.

At the end of the meeting, the heads of sectors and regions reported on the work done in fisheries and presented their plans for 2022.