Uzbekistan exported cotton yarn worth $ 1 billion

For eight months of this year, Uzbekistan exported cotton yarn for more than $ 1 billion. This is 55.8% of total textile exports.

Finished knitwear and garments were exported for $ 430.7 million.
Official statistics recorded that in January-August, foreign consumers were sent cotton fabrics worth $ 80.3 million, other finished textiles, rags - $ 73.5 million, silk and silk products - $ 35.5 million, carpets - by $ 23.4 million

The largest share of textile exports falls on the Russian Federation ($ 593 million - 31.3%) and China ($ 475.6 million - 25.1%).

At the end of January-August 2021, the amount of textile exports amounted to $ 1,891.7 million, which amounted to 20.4% of the total export volume and, compared to January-August 2020, it increased by 62%.