A documentary film about the painting "Savior of the World" by Leonardo da Vinci is released in France

The film by French director Antoine Vitkin is an investigation into how a controversial portrait of Jesus Christ, dubbed "the male Mona Lisa," became hostage to a behind-the-scenes deal between France and Saudi Arabia.


The painting "Savior of the World" entered world art history in 2017, when about a thousand collectors, dealers and spectators gathered in the main auction room of Rockefeller Center in New York, and the oldest auction house Christie's sold the painting for a record $ 450 million, which made it the most expensive in the world.


The first doubts about the authenticity of "The Savior of the World" arose when the Louvre Abu Dhabi suddenly changed his mind about exhibiting the painting in September 2018. Since then, it has not been shown in public.


The filmmakers promise to shed light on the political machinations associated with the most expensive painting in the world.