Subsidies and Tax Exemptions for Youth Employment

On April 13, the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a conference on the implementation of tasks to ensure employment of youth.The year 2021 has been declared in our country as the Year of Supporting Youth and Strengthening the Health of the Population. The corresponding state program is being implemented.Important tasks in this direction were also outlined at the meetings of January 27 and February 10 of this year, specific responsible persons were identified.At the last meeting, the progress of these tasks, the state of work with youth carried out by ministers, khokims of regions, districts and cities, heads of sectors and rectors of universities were considered.- The most important task is, first of all, to provide employment for young people, to create conditions for them to receive a decent income. Entrepreneurship, especially small and medium-sized businesses, is our greatest opportunity and resource in this direction, - said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.A number of benefits have been announced for both unemployed and start-up entrepreneurs and employer organizations.In particular, starting from May 1, when young people are hired by enterprises and companies, they will be refunded the social tax paid for these employees. In addition, from June 1, students included in the "youth notebook" will be able to count on subsidies in the amount of up to 500 thousand soums for internship at enterprises and companies.Graduates of vocational training centers hired for the first time will be exempt from income tax for up to 6 months.Entrepreneurs who have employed more than 5 unemployed from the "youth notebook", from May 1, will receive a discount of up to 50 percent when renting state property.Also, young people who rent a building and start their own business will be reimbursed up to 30 percent of the annual rental payments.