2021 declared in Uzbekistan as the Year of Youth Support and Health Promotion

2021 declared in Uzbekistan as the Year of Youth Support and Health Promotion

Message from President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis and the people of Uzbekistan:

Dear compatriots!

As you know, the coming 2021 will mark the 30th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Of course, together with you, with all our people, we will widely celebrate this historic date on the basis of the noble idea "We live in a new Uzbekistan - a free and prosperous country!"

Today, defining our plans and programs for the coming year, we will, of course, pay special attention to the development of the most important and priority areas, to further strengthen our achievements over the years of independence.

It should be noted that the pandemic has once again shown that radical reform of the primary health care system, the ambulance service, and the sanitary-epidemiological system is a vital necessity for us.

The next wave of the pandemic and the associated risks currently being observed in other parts of the world requires all of us to be even more vigilant and attentive.

Therefore, we need, using the existing opportunities and potential, the experience gained during the pandemic, as well as advanced foreign achievements, to raise the cardinal reforms in the field of protecting and strengthening the health of the population to a new level.

At the same time, one of our most important priorities should be the widespread adoption of a healthy lifestyle among the population, especially young people.

Generally speaking, the decisive role in the progress of any society is played by the healthy and harmonious development of the young generation, on which the future of this society depends. That is why in matters of expanding and further increasing the effectiveness of our reforms, we consider our energetic, proactive, comprehensively developed youth, possessing modern knowledge and skills, as our support.

We have set ourselves a great goal - the formation of the foundation of a new Renaissance in our country, and for this purpose we must create an environment and conditions for the upbringing of new Khorezm, Beruni, Ibn Sino, Ulugbekov, Navoi and Baburov. In this historical process, the most important factors, an integral part of our national idea are the development of education and upbringing, science and innovation, and the establishment of a healthy lifestyle.

Our highest priority should be to create empowering youth to set and achieve ambitious goals. Only then will our children become a real force that can fulfill the age-old dreams of our people.

To this end, we will carry out large-scale reforms, guided by the idea "New Uzbekistan starts from the threshold of the school, from the system of education and upbringing."

Firstly, we organize high-quality upbringing and education of the younger generation in kindergartens, schools and universities, we mobilize all forces and opportunities so that they grow up physically healthy and spiritually mature, true patriots.

Secondly, on the basis of modern knowledge and experience, national and universal values, we will educate young people with independent thinking and the best human qualities.

Thirdly, we will pay special attention to training our boys and girls in modern, in-demand professions, developing their industriousness and entrepreneurial skills, as well as implementing their initiatives, providing jobs and housing.

In a word, an integral and continuous system will be created in which from the moment of birth until reaching 30 years of age, a young person will be provided with comprehensive support and assistance so that he can take a worthy place in life.

As the world experience shows, investments in the harmonious development of the younger generation return to society tenfold, one hundredfold.

We well remember the words of our great scientist Abu Ali ibn Sino: "Fearless and courageous people are not afraid of the upcoming difficulties."

I was very pleased with the bold ideas and initiatives expressed by our youth at recent meetings in the Kashkadarya, Khorezm regions and the Chilanzar region of Tashkent.

Especially at the recent Youth Forum, seeing the eyes of our young men and women burning with enthusiasm, their desire for knowledge, I received a huge boost of energy.

And once again I was convinced that they are the very brave and courageous young people about whom Ibn Sino spoke.

If we can combine the knowledge, life experience, foresight of the older generation with the enthusiasm, courage and determination of our youth, then we will certainly achieve our goals.

I am confident that together with such an educated youth with a powerful creative potential, we will build a new Uzbekistan.

In order to continue the work we have begun in these important areas and to raise it to a new, higher level, I propose to call the coming 2021 in our country the Year of Supporting Youth and Strengthening the Health of the Population.

Source: https://president.uz/ru