24 technical schools will be created at universities

The Presidential Decree "On measures to strengthen the relationship of the educational process between higher, secondary specialized and professional educational institutions, as well as industrial practice with industry organizations"was adopted.

According to the decree, from the 2021/2022 academic year:
- 24 technical schools will be created at higher educational institutions;
- 213 technical schools will be attached to various universities and industry organizations in the main areas;
- the Jizzakh Technical School of Services and Services at the Tashkent State Pedagogical University will be liquidated and all its property, buildings and structures, along with the corresponding territory, will be transferred to the Jizzakh Technical School of Information Technologies at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies;
- in technical schools and academic lyceums, qualification requirements, curricula and programs, educational and regulatory documents are developed by the basic university and approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education;
- Universities will provide the technical schools assigned to them with educational and methodological documentation.

Also, in accordance with the resolution, it is provided that from the 2022/2023 academic year:
- gradual increase in the state order for the training of middle-level personnel in such sectors as construction, transport, agriculture, light industry, services and information technology when forming the parameters of admission to technical schools;
- free training of graduates of the 11th grades of schools who have not entered universities, in the first profession or specialty in technical schools and colleges.