300 billion soums to be allocated for holding presidential elections in Uzbekistan

Today, a regular meeting of the Central Election Commission of Uzbekistan (CEC) was held under the leadership of Zainiddin Nizamkhozhayev, the press service of the CEC writes.

The Chairman of the CEC discussed issues related to the approval of the cost estimates for the preparation and conduct of the presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan, amendments and additions to some decisions of the Central Election Commission.

According to the law "On the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2021", the CEC allocated 300 billion soums ($28.3 million) for the presidential elections in October this year.

Each district election commission will receive 57 million soums ($5,370), each precinct election commission — 12 million soums ($1,130).

This amount should cover all the expenses of the electoral process, and the money will also be allocated to the candidates of the campaign system. Each candidate accounts for 3.097 billion soums ($292 thousand).