4402 hectares totally for new residential quarters in Tashkent

The Main Internal Affairs Directorate reported about the residential territories that they planned to be built in Tashkent in upsoming years.

As of May 2021, the resident population of Tashkent is 2.72 million people, and subsequently expanding the territories, the city's population will increase by 1 million.

The city will include 20 makhalla gatherings of citizens of the Kibray district of the Tashkent region:

"Jarboshi", "Tashisti", "Ibrat", "Mirishkor", "Argin", "Bakhor", "Chinor" and "Tovkentepa" (2107.4 hectares) will become part of the Yashnabad region;

"Geophysics", "Alisherabad", "Chingeldy", "Dustlik", "Tarakkiet", "Barkamol", "Bogishamol", "Vatanparvar", "Amir Temur", "Mevazor", "Gulbog", "Gulzor-1" and "Pastki-yuz" (2294.6 hectares) will become part of the Mirzo-Ulugbek region.