9.4 % boost in the numbers

In reliance to the State Statistics Committee, there are 90 417 enterprises in Uzbekistan according to December 1, 2021.

There is 9.4 % proliferation in contrast to December 1, 2020.

Number of enterprises operating in regions:
Tashkent city: 16066
Fergana: 9916
Andijan: 9254
Tashkent region: 9181
Samarkand: 7991
Namangan: 7018
Bukhara: 4861
Kashkadarya: 4679
Surkhandarya: 4675
Khorezm: 4150
Navoi: 3635
Jizzakh: 3626
Republic of Karakalpakstan: 3182
Syrdarya: 2183