A $100 million project

As part of the project, schools are planning to develop STEM education for grades 7-11, according to the Ministry of Public Education.

If you decipher this abbreviation, you will get the following: S-science, T-technology, E – engineering, M – mathematics. Translated from English, it will sound like this: естественные науки, технология, инженерное искусство, математика. Note that these disciplines are becoming the most popular in the modern world. That is why today the STEM system is developing as one of the main trends. STEM education is based on the application of an interdisciplinary and applied approach, as well as on the integration of all four disciplines into a single learning scheme.

Now they really demand a lot from education. Parents want their children to be interested in learning, so that they can apply their knowledge in practice, and so that in the future they will become highly paid specialists with decent intelligence indicators.

All this can be obtained if you pay attention to STEM education. This project provides for improving the system of assessing students ' knowledge in schools in Uzbekistan. It will be implemented in accordance with the business plan of country operations for Uzbekistan for 2020-2022, the latest state initiatives and the Concept of Development of the public education system of Uzbekistan until 2030.