A center of Uzbek language and culture will be opened in Moscow

The opening ceremony of the Center of Uzbek Language and Culture will be held on April 21, 2022 at Moscow State Linguistic University.

For information, a cooperation agreement was signed in May 2010 between the Moscow State University of Linguistics (MSUL) and the Uzbek State University of World Languages ​​(UzSWLU). Students of the Faculty of Political Science of the Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences of MDLU began to study Uzbek as a second foreign language.

Currently, the Uzbek language is studied by students majoring in "Foreign Regional Studies".

In 2012, a textbook "Uzbek language for the CIS countries" was published in collaboration with UzSWLU, a textbook in Uzbek was developed, a set of tests in Uzbek was published. Presentation materials (booklets, videos, stands) on teaching Uzbek language at MSUL were prepared.

In the spring of 2021, five doctoral students of UzSWLU received a certificate of internship at MSUL. Articles of teachers of UzSWLU are published in "Vestnik MDLU".

FGBOU VO MSUL effectively cooperates with 4 universities of Uzbekistan:

Uzbek State University of World Languages;
Karshi State University;
Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages;
Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature. A. Navoi.