A drift track will be built on the outskirts of Tashkent

A plot of land will be allocated for drift and drag racing in Shonazar makhalla of Bektemir district of Tashkent.

This is stated in the decision of the city council of People's Deputies on June 9.

According to the decision, the allotted land plot should be located outside the residential area. Attention will also be paid to the safe movement of participants in drift and drag racing (402-meter speed race on a flat track), the creation of conditions for technical inspection of vehicles brought with them for the drift.

In addition, spectators will be provided with comfortable conditions and security measures will be taken.

It is expected that the existing conditions will be created for parking, service and household facilities, as well as an equipped medical station for private vehicles of visitors to the area (service, participant, spectator, etc.).

The land plot will be handed over on the basis of a tender. Foreign investors will be involved in this process on the basis of public-private partnership.

In late April, the mayor of the capital, Jakhongir Ortikhojayev, made a proposal to do so at an amateur level. The offense is currently punishable by 5 to 15 days in jail. According to the mayor, "it is not necessary to ban everything."