A meeting of the Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis on budget and economic reforms was held

During the meeting, information about the activities of the Agency for Consumer Protection under the Antimonopoly Committee was announced. The Agency ensures a unified state policy of consumer rights protection and regulation of the advertising market in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Consumer Rights Protection", decrees and resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In 2020 and the first half of 2021, 37,036 consumer appeals were considered, the rights of more than 9.6 million consumers were restored, appropriate decisions were made to compensate for the damage caused to them in the amount of 184.9 billion soums, of which 133.0 billion soums are currently compensated.

Within the framework of the event, 143 product names were purchased. Through the examination, 35 names were identified that did not meet the requirements of regulatory and technical documents, which led to the cancellation of certificates of conformity of 10 projections issued by the Uzstandart agency.

A survey among 19.5 thousand people allowed us to assess the level of consumer protection. Based on the opinions and proposals, information was submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers.

Out of 34,190 monitoring sessions on advertising placement and distribution, 16,948 identified shortcomings and measures to eliminate them.

Cases have been initiated against 408 subjects for violating the legislation on consumer rights protection. 368 orders were issued to prevent violations in the future, and administrative protocols were issued for 55 offenders with a referral to the relevant courts.

The Agency has developed 14 draft legislative acts, 3 of which have been adopted, and 2 are under consideration by the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis.

The Committee adopted a decision of a recommendatory nature to eliminate these shortcomings by the Agency.