A meeting with the OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan John McGregor

M. Kadirkhanova, Chairperson of the Senate Committee of the Oliy Majlis on Women and Gender Equality met with the OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan John McGregor. John McGregor, highly appreciating the work being done to ensure gender equality, noted that in recent years, the number of women in government bodies and in many other spheres in Uzbekistan has significantly increased, their role in the social and political life of the country has strengthened. The parties discussed a number of issues to ensure gender equality and women's rights, including the implementation of projects to improve knowledge and skills of women in the field of entrepreneurship, the formation of civil society, as well as the provision of social and legal support. They also discussed issues of strengthening interaction and mutual cooperation, including on the implementation of new projects to empower women.