A megaproject worth $ 5 billion 122 million

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Almalyk on 22 December

In recent years, the city has developed both economically and socially. New businesses, educational and medical institutions are being launched. The "driver" of these changes is the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine.

The plant accounts for 7% of the country's industrial output and 15% of its exports. In recent years, as a result of large investments in science and technology, new deposits have been discovered and production has increased.

In particular, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 1, 2017, the plant is implementing a mega-project worth $ 5 billion 122 million for the development of the deposit "Yoshlik-1".

During his visit to Almalyk, the head of our state first of all inspected the work on the field.

The mining area is 11 thousand hectares. Its reserves are similarly large - with a capacity of 65 million tons of ore per year. This deposit contains 13 types of precious and rare metals such as gold, copper, silver, molybdenum, selenium. The 3rd copper concentrator is being built at the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine for their processing.

The President was informed about the work in this direction.
In 2017, when work began here, 3 million cubic meters of mining per year would be carried out. With the import of more than 570 state-of-the-art equipment worth $ 415 million, efficiency has increased tenfold. Now the working volume is 40 million cubic meters per year.

"This mine is a catalyst. Along with its effective development, it is necessary to reorient small deposits. It also means additional jobs, large exports," said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The project will also include a lime plant, a 650-megawatt power grid and other infrastructure facilities. A total of 6,000 people will be employed.

The head of state stressed that the plant, in general, in the future, every industrial enterprise should be self-sufficient in alternative electricity. Tasks were given to expand research and targeted postgraduate studies, increase the capacity of the Almalyk branch of the Tashkent State Technical University.