A nanotechnology center opens at the National University

A resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On measures to improve the activities of the Center for the Development of Nanotechnologies of the National University of Uzbekistan named after M. Ulugbek ".

In accordance with the presidential decree of 19.03.2021 No. PP-5032 "On measures to improve the quality of education and improve scientific research in the field of physics", the Center for the Development of Nanotechnologies is being created. Its main tasks:

-analysis of modern world trends in the development of nanotechnology, the formation of research and development priorities;
-preparation and implementation of fundamental and applied research and innovation projects through the formation of temporary creative teams of scientific and pedagogical personnel of the National University of Uzbekistan named after M. Ulugbek;
- establishing cooperation with foreign higher educational institutions, research institutions and other organizations;
-development and implementation of projects to integrate fundamental and applied science into the educational process.

The structure of the Center was approved. Its director is appointed and dismissed by the rector of M. Ulugbek.