A new Republican Center of Oncology will be built in Tashkent

According to the press-centre of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on May 14, 2021, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology. The center has 10 medical buildings with 370 beds. Over the year, it provides inpatient care for more than 9 thousand patients, outpatient care for 43 thousand patients.The head of state wished the children treated in the center a speedy recovery and expressed words of support to their parents.

In particular, it was noted the need to identify diseases and conduct preventive examinations of people at risk for this will be created by mobile teams in each region equipped with mammographs and positron emission tomographs. The task was also set to improve the treatment conditions by renovating and equipping local oncological and hematological hospitals with modern equipment. Moreover, on behalf of the President, a new building of a medical center for oncology and radiology will be built at the Tashkent Medical Academy. The head of state examined the construction site and gave instructions to use the South Korean experience in the design and construction of the center.