A new system for the development of the fruit and vegetable industry will be introduced

On November 24, chaired by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, a video conference was held on measures for the development of horticulture and dekhkan farms.

In the process of agricultural development in our country, priority is given to the cluster system. In cotton-textile, grain, fruit and vegetable and viticultural clusters, the qualitative and quantitative indicators of production are steadily growing.

Clusters are also organized in the fruit and vegetable branch of agriculture. However, the results of their work do not yet correspond to the potential. So, according to estimates, the industry is capable of exporting products worth $ 5 billion, now this figure is $ 1.2 billion. In particular, fruit and vegetable clusters in Asaka, Angora, Denau, Dzhambay, Samarkand, Altyaryk, Kuva, Yukorichirchik and Yangikurgan regions are currently successfully exporting products worth $ 20-25 million.

For the creation of small intensive orchards, vineyards and the development of horticulture, loans without collateral will be provided in the amount of up to 100 million soums at a preferential rate of 14 percent per annum. For these purposes, $ 100 million of funds from international financial institutions will be directed.

Plots ranging from 10 acres to 1 hectare will be leased for a period of 10 years following an open electronic tender.

Within the framework of family entrepreneurship programs, newly formed farms will be provided loans for a period of 2 years with a 6-month grace period. However, if the land is not used efficiently, the lease can be terminated in court.

Deputy Prime Ministers, heads of industries and regions presented information on the issues discussed at the meeting.