A press conference was held at the end of the plenary session of the Senate

A press conference dedicated to the results of the 23rd plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis was held on February 4, 2022.
It was attended by chairmen of Senate committees and members of the media. Journalists were briefed on the issues canvassed at the plenary session.
As reported, a total of 20 issues were considered in the plenary session, which was held in the form of a video conference and was covered online through the official website of the Senate and social networks.
Eight of them are laws that serve the welfare of the people and improve the living standards of the population. In addition, a number of substantial issues, such as the study conducted by Senate committees and the submission of a parliamentary inquiry to the Cabinet of Ministers, were also at the center of the senators' discussion.
The issues of strengthening control over the activities of territorial executive bodies, boosting the protection of cultural heritage sites, strengthening the provision of social services to citizens through the formation of a permanent corps of deputies in the Councils of People's Deputies and the expansion of their powers were discussed with the media.