A single state policy in the field of cyber security is determined by the President

The Law on Cyber ​​Security was signed by the President. By law, protecting the interests of individuals, society and the state from external and internal threats in cyberspace is a priority in ensuring the cyber security of the state.

A single state policy in the field of cyber security is determined by the President.

The State Security Service is the authorized state body in the field of cyber security.

By law, government agencies and organizations have the right to receive information about cyber threats, vulnerabilities in software, hardware and technology from the competent public authority to ensure cyber security.

Ensuring the safety of information systems and resources of government agencies and organizations is carried out by creating backups of data, the retention period of which should not be less than the last 3 months.

Examination for compliance with cybersecurity requirements is mandatory or at the initiative of cybersecurity entities.

The procedure for the examination shall be determined by the competent state body.

In addition, the hardware, hardware, software and software used to ensure the cyber security of information systems and resources of government agencies and organizations must be certified.

Information about vulnerabilities, cyber threats, cyber-attacks and other acts of sabotage, as well as information objects identified in information systems and resources, may be disclosed with the permission of the cybersecurity entity after appropriate measures are taken to protect them.

This Law shall enter into force 3 months after its official publication.