Bukhara hosts the International Festival of Gold Embroidery and Jewelry Art

From May 21 to May 25, Bukhara hosts the International Festival of Gold Embroidery and Jewelry.

The event, organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, for the first time in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 29, 2021 "On the International Festival of Gold Embroidery and Jewelry".

The purpose of this festival is to demonstrate our multifaceted national craft, popularize its unique samples, exchange experience between different peoples in this area, further develop friendship and cooperation.

A press conference dedicated to the festival was held on May 21 in the building of the Bukhara city administration.

Chairman of the Senate Committee on Youth Affairs, Culture and Sports Bakhtiyor Saifullayev, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Botir Shakhriyorov, Chairman of the Association of Craftsmen Ulugbek Abdullayev and Khokim of Bukhara Jamol Nosirov spoke at the event.

“At the initiative of the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Aziz Abdukhakimov, a charter flight Tashkent-Bukhara-Tashkent, Fergana-Bukhara-Fergana was organized to provide favorable conditions for the travel of the population from all regions of the country and local residents.

In addition, buses have been launched in Kashkadarya, Samarkand and Khorezm regions, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Botir Shakhriyorov said.

The festival was attended by hundreds of foreign participants from 58 countries, including jewelers, conference participants, guests of honor and representatives of foreign media.