Chimgan hosts ecotourism Festival

On June 11-13, Chimgan hosts the "Chimgan ECHO" ecotourism Festival. The event is organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Khokimiyat of the Tashkent region, the Republican School of Higher Sports Skills in Winter and Technically complex Sports, the Federation of Extreme and Mountain Tourism of Uzbekistan, the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan, NGO "Rodnichok" and the Public Center "Chimgan-oromgohi" with the support of the State of Emergency "El Mobil", LLC "Azem Food", AKB "Kapitalbank".

This event was implemented as part of the implementation of the Presidential Decree №6099 of 30.10.2020 "On measures for the widespread introduction of a healthy lifestyle and the further development of mass sports" and PCM №735 of November 19, 2020, and is charitable.

The aim of the 43rd environmental festival "Chimgasnkoe-ECHO-2021" is to spread information about the unique natural territories and cultural and historical monuments of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to educate young people in love with the Motherland, to develop eco-tourism and mountain sports in the Republic of Uzbekistan, to introduce teenagers to a healthy lifestyle, as well as to educate young people through involvement in environmental actions and programs in nature.

The program of the event includes:
- the Chimgan Echo Cup in orienteering on the terrain;
- Chimgan Echo Cup for skyraning (running) to the top of B. Chimgan;
- Chimgan Echo Climbing Cup;
- environmental campaign "We are for clean Chimgan»;
- contest of tourist-author's songs.