Contract worth $ 100 million US between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan

Uzbekistan and Afghanistan have signed a $ 100 million electricity supply agreement. According to the report, the contract provides for the supply of 2 billion kWh of electricity.

Pursuant to the report, the treaty was organized between Khafiz Muhammad, Executive Director of “Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat” (DABS), and Dadajon Isakov, chairman of “O’zbekiston milliy elektr tarmoqlari” JSC.

The contract, worth about $ 100 million, provides for the supply of 2 billion kWh of electricity.

During the visit to Uzbekistan, the DABS delegation also canvassed the construction of the Surkhan-Puli-Khumri power transmission line project.

According to the report, the Afghan delegation promised to cooperate with Uzbekistan on the suspended projects and ensure the security of the projects.