CSTO sends peacekeepers to Kazakhstan

Speaking at a meeting of the Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the first time in the role of Chairman, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said that he appealed to the leaders of the CSTO countries for help.
Briefly about the main thing:
He explained that he considers the riots in Kazakhstan to be external aggression, since the terrorist gangs that staged riots in the country were trained abroad.;
At night, Nikol Pashinyan, Chairman of the Collective Security Council (the highest body of the CSTO), said that the leaders of the participating countries decided to send collective peacekeeping forces to Kazakhstan;
The CSTO forces are being introduced into Kazakhstan within the framework of the article on collective defense (Article 4 of the Collective Security Treaty) for a limited time in order to stabilize the situation in the country, Pashinyan said;
The specific composition, structure and number are determined by the leaders of the CSTO, the joint headquarters of the organization reminds;
Collective peacekeeping forces may include special military, police and civilian personnel and forces and funds allocated by the CSTO countries (these are Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan);
A joint command, combat units, a group of military observers, police units, support units and other bodies and units can be formed as part of the contingent.;
The CSTO forces are not involved in restoring order, but in protecting military infrastructure and other facilities - local security forces themselves will deal with gangs, Leonid Kalashnikov, head of the Duma Committee for the CIS, told RIA Novosti;
According to him, to send the CSTO forces to Kazakhstan, the permission of the Russian parliament is not needed, for this there is a charter of the organization, its forces are in constant readiness.