Current tasks of accentuating Uzbek-Kazakh cooperation

On February 11, 2022, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade S. Umurzakov met with Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan B. Sultanov in Tashkent as part of the visit of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan.

The meeting addressed pressing issues of Uzbek-Kazakh relations, ways to intensify economic partnership in priority areas, as well as the implementation of bilateral agreements reached during the visit of the President of Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan in December previous year.

Special emphasis was placed on measures to further deepen investment, trade, transport and logistics, as well as interregional cooperation. The parties exchanged views on proposals to deepen industrial cooperation, implement new investment projects, remove existing trade barriers and facilitate access to the markets of the two countries for Uzbek and Kazakh producers.

The parties agreed to intensify cooperation of working groups of experts to regularly discuss and monitor the execution of the "Road Map" to proliferate bilateral trade between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to $ 5 billion US over the past 10 years.