Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

In order to introduce modern management mechanisms in the spheres of tourism, sports and cultural heritage, as well as accelerate the development of infrastructure in these areas, efficient operation of facilities and create the necessary conditions for the population on the basis of advanced foreign experience, by decree of the President, it was decided:

- To establish the Ministry of Tourism and Sports on the basis of the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports and the State Committee for Tourism Development. Having appointed the Ministry of Sports and Tourism as the legal successor on rights, obligations and treaties, including international ones, the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports and the State Committee for Tourism Development.

- Establish that the Ministry of Tourism and Sports is the government body for the implementation of a unified state policy in the fields of tourism, physical culture, sports and cultural heritage The main tasks of the established Ministry are: effective management of tourist facilities on the basis of public-private partnerships and the introduction of modern information technologies in this area.

- development of competition in the market of tourist services, comprehensive assistance to increase entrepreneurial activity and the active introduction of advanced information and communication technologies in the field of tourism.

Effective management of sports facilities on the basis of public-private partnerships and the introduction of modern information technologies in the field of physical culture and sports in this area.