Deputy Minister of Innovative Development met with representatives of the World Intellectual Property Organization

The delegation led by Shahlo Turdiqulova, the Deputy Minister of Innovative Development, organized a meeting with the Deputy Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization Hassan Kleib and Habip Asan of the Regional and National Development Sector in Geneva.

During the event, the Deputy General Director of the World Intellectual Property Organization, Hassan Kleib, appreciated the attention paid to the creation of an innovative ecosystem by the government of Uzbekistan. In turn, the World Intellectual Property Organization expressed it’s alacrity to support small and medium-sized businesses, youngsters and women within the framework of the organization's programs.

Particularly, an agreement was reached on training exporters, start-ups and business representatives in the field of commercialization of intellectual property and solving socio-economic problems, as well as supporting them under the WIPO IP Diagnostics program within the framework of the WIPO Academy and Summer School programs.

Additionally, the parties consented to create an action plan for cooperation between the World Intellectual Property Organization and the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Uzbek delegation familiarized with the activities of Campus Biotech, the world's leading center for biotechnology and life sciences in Switzerland, and the research conducted there.