Drivers are allowed to install monitors and communicate on the phone without using their hands

At the plenary session of the Senate, the Law "On Amendments and Additions to the Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Administrative Liability in Connection with the Liberalization of Administrative Penalties for Committing Certain Offenses in the Transport and Financial Spheres" was considered.

The law reduces the sanctions by 5 articles, based on the level of danger of administrative offenses. In particular, the amount of fines for non-receipt of insurance policies by vehicle owners or for management of an expired insurance policy or a person not provided for in the insurance policy, transportation of passengers without a license, violation of the passport system, illegal acquisition or sale of foreign currency values ​​by citizens is reduced.

Senators also noted that the changes allow drivers to use bluetooth, headphones and other devices while driving without using hands while driving.

Responsibility for installing a monitor (display) in the front of the vehicle interior has been canceled, and a deduction of 5 kilometers per hour from the speed recorded by special devices that measure speed, taking into account the permissible total error of indicators of special devices that measure speed and the speedometer of vehicles, is introduced.

In addition, if you have a biometric passport (identification ID-card) issued by the internal affairs bodies or consular institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the driver is not required to have a document for the right to drive a vehicle, vehicle registration documents, as well as confirming the right possession, use or disposal of a vehicle in the absence of its owner, an insurance policy for compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners.