Duty Free shops to appear in historical cities of Uzbekistan

This became known from the law "On Amendments and Amendments to the Customs Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan", approved by the Senate of the Oliy Majlis.

Duty Free shops are planned to open in the historical cities of Uzbekistan - Samarkand, Bukhara, Khorezm, Kokand. The Senate of the Oliy Majlis approved the law "On Amendments and Additions to the Customs Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan", the press service of the department reported.

According to the document, the time for customs clearance is also reduced from three days to one day.

In addition, the issuance of permits for the placement of goods and vehicles under the relevant customs regimes is canceled.

In addition, the legal basis for establishing the rate of output of goods formed during processing is being consolidated.

It is also planned to optimize the list of goods exempted from taxation when imported into the territory of Uzbekistan.

In addition, the Customs Code will be supplemented with new articles, according to which a new system of pre-trial settlement of disputes between customs and entrepreneurs will be introduced.