Education level depends primarily on the knowledge and skills of the teacher

On January 17, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a video conference on improving the quality of education in schools and elaborating the activities of specialized schools.

In 2019, there were 271 specialized schools Uzbekistan. As a result of the President's initiatives and decrees on teaching sciences and foreign languages, 126 specialized schools in mathematics and physics, 87 in chemistry and biology, 99 in information technology and 207 in foreign languages have been established.

Today's demand is not enough to meet the pace of future development. Hence, the issues of expanding the coverage of specialized schools and improving the quality of education were addressed at the meeting.

“One thing we need to understand deeply: we have targeted a long way in the economy. We want to boost exports to $ 14 billion US this year. By 2025, it is planned to increase the country's GDP to $ 100 billion US and exports to $ 30 billion US. Who does this? Knowledgeable staff!”- noted the President.
It is planned to gradually transfer specialized schools to the Presidential Agency for Educational Institutions.

“The Agency is not only meant for 14 schools. But, it is to introduce the ambiance and the methodology in Presidential schools to other schools”- continued Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Therefore, starting from the new academic year, two schools in Nukus city and regional centers, and one in each district and city will be selected and transferred to the Presidential Agency for Educational Institutions. It was noted that special attention should be paid to the developed sectors in the region, the subjects that have long been strongly taught. To this end, a working group was set up to study the situation in the regions and prepare selected schools for the school year on the basis of new standards.

The admission procedure to specialized schools and the system of assessing students 'and teachers' knowledge should also be reconsidered.

Education level depends primarily on the knowledge and skills of the teacher. That is why, principals and teachers are admitted to specialized schools on the basis of a two-stage selection. The Presidential Agency for Educational Institutions has been tasked with recruiting highly qualified teachers through this system to provide additional training and assistance in obtaining national and international certifications.

The task is to establish a research center on the basis of the Agency's Center of Excellence and International Assessment, which is involved in the development of advanced curricula based on international methods in each area of specialized schools.

In order to effectively organize this work, it is intended to establish regional branches of the Agency for Presidential Educational Institutions in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and in each region.
The President sharply criticized the low quality of foreign language teaching in schools.

“In developed countries, language is not taught in higher education institutions. Since students are fluent in two languages from a young age. We teach a foreign language from 1st grade to 11th. But what percentage of high school graduates can speak this language?! How much money the state is spending on this! Where is the efficiency?” - claimed the President.

In other schools under the Ministry of Public Education, the issues of improving the quality of education and in-depth teaching of sciences and foreign languages were also discussed.

“If we do not "set up" the education system, reforms will not take place. Not a single ministry or agency can do that. All Uzbek people and society must be firmly involved in this. Our salvation is in school, our salvation is in education, our salvation is in knowledge”- the head of state stressed.