FAO and Uzbekistan sign cooperation agreement until 2025

The official launch of the FAO-Uzbekistan Cooperation Framework for 2021–2025, which gave impetus and determined the further directions of their partnership, was marked by a round table. In line with national sustainable development priorities, FAO signed an agreement to support the government in implementing the 2030 Agenda and to help Uzbekistan make food systems sustainable throughout the agri-food value chain.

The Framework Agreement provides for the implementation of measures to transform the production, aggregation, processing, distribution, consumption and disposal of agricultural, forestry and fisheries food products to increase sustainability, taking into account the broader characteristics of the economic, social and ecological environment. The total funding budget for the CPF is expected to be approximately US $ 17 million.

In 2021, during the official visit of the delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan to Budapest, Hungary, Minister of Agriculture Jamshid Khodjaev met with Vladimir Rachmanin and Viorel Gutu. Both sides expressed a desire to strengthen further cooperation and discussed priority areas of cooperation.

Uzbekistan joined FAO in 2001 and an FAO office in Uzbekistan was opened in 2014.