Festive congratulations to the people of Uzbekistan

Dear compatriots!

I sincerely congratulate you on a great holiday - the 28th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, I express my deep respect and best wishes to you.

Dear friends!

Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus pandemic, we will not be able to hold large-scale celebrations dedicated to Constitution Day this year. But despite this, with all our hearts we feel the joy and greatness of this holiday. It is celebrated with enthusiasm in labor collectives, educational institutions and makhallas.

Four years ago, relying on the provisions and principles of the Constitution, we adopted the Strategy of Action and began the implementation of large-scale accelerated democratic reforms. Their legal basis was 7 amendments made to the Constitution, 5 codes and about 250 laws adopted.

Over the past short period, our society, the world outlook of people has radically changed in political, legal and socio-economic terms, each compatriot makes a worthy contribution to the development of the country. All this is evidence of the life-affirming power and great potential of our Basic Law.

Today our people, relying on this huge potential, courageously overcome difficult trials and selflessly work for the sake of building a new Uzbekistan - a free, comfortable and prosperous life in the country.

Today the words “New Uzbekistan” are perceived on the world stage not only as a new concept, but also as a reflection of real events.

Of course, these achievements, which are the result of the broad legal possibilities enshrined in our Constitution, make us all feel special pride.

Dear compatriots!

A consistent policy aimed at further deepening democratic reforms in the country, ensuring human rights and freedoms, improving the well-being of the population is widely recognized by the world community.

When it comes to this, it should be noted international support for a number of global and regional initiatives, specific proposals put forward by Uzbekistan in September this year at the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

For the first time in the history of our country in October this year, Uzbekistan was elected a member of the Human Rights Council - one of the main bodies of the UN.

This is another great achievement of our open and active foreign policy.

Thanks to the improvement of the investment and business environment in the republic, the increase in tourism and export potential, the active implementation of the standards and norms of the International Labor Organization, Uzbekistan's positions in international ratings are strengthened.

Despite various obstacles and problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the global economic crisis, our external relations have not been interrupted. Relations with neighboring states and partner countries in the political, trade, economic, humanitarian spheres are developing.

Dear compatriots!

To steadily improve the level and quality of life of our people, make it even more prosperous and prosperous, so that every person in the country, regardless of nationality, language and religion, feels the attention and care of the state and society is our main task.

I am convinced that all our compatriots, rallying on the path to this noble goal, will become active builders of a new Uzbekistan.

Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on Constitution Day, I wish you all health, family happiness, great success in life and activities for the benefit of society.

May peace and tranquility always reign in our homes, in our beautiful country!

May all our good dreams and aspirations come true!


Shavkat Mirziyoyev,

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Source: https://president.uz/ru