For six months, Uzbekistan exported vegetables and fruits worth 402 million dollars

In January-June 2021, more than 700 tons of agricultural products were exported to the countries of the near and far abroad.

Most of the vegetables and fruits were delivered to Russia-in the amount of $ 113.7 million.

Export of agricultural products from Uzbekistan in the 1st half of 2021:
Russia – 113.7 million
Kazakhstan – 106.7 million
Kyrgyzstan – 58.6 million
China – 29.8 million
Pakistan – 27.0 million
Afghanistan-12.1 million
Ukraine – 7.2 million
Turkey-5.6 million
Belarus-4.8 million
Azerbaijan-4.3 million
Turkmenistan – 4.2 million
Germany-3.7 million
Tajikistan-2.9 million
US – 2.8 million
UAE – 2.8 million
Iran – 2.6 million
Others-13.6 million US dollars