For the first time in the history of Uzbekistan, the General Assembly of the UN World Tourism Organization will be held in our country

In 2023, Samarkand will become a world tourism center. The 25th session of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) will be held in 2023 in Samarkand.

This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Minister of Tourism and Sports Aziz Abdukhakimov after voting at the 24th session of the UNWTO, which will be held in Madrid, Spain.

“For the first time in the history of our country, an event of such a high level - the General Assembly of the UN World Tourism Organization is being held in Uzbekistan. It should be noted that the 25th session of the UNWTO General Assembly in ancient Samarkand attracts over a thousand foreign guests and will bring doxod to the local population and artisans. In addition, the holding of high-level events in Uzbekistan undoubtedly attracts the attention of the world media, which will ultimately send the country's tourism potential and attract even more tourists to our

Uzbekistan and Portugal have applied for the UNWTO General Assembly in 2023 as part of an event in Madrid. As a result of the event in Uzbekistan, a majority of votes were cast, and the first decision was made at the next meeting in 2023 in the ancient city of Samarkand.

It should be noted that the UNWTO General Assembly is an important biennial tourism forum, such a high-level event of the seven UN in Uzbekistan is being held - the first historical event.