From April 1, UzAuto Motors cars will be registered only in the name of the person who ordered

The Government Decree “On Additional Measures to Introduce Information Systems in the Procurement of Motor Vehicles” (No. 78, dated February 21, 2022) was adopted.

According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 78, from April 1, 2022, the practice of submitting automated invoices to the Traffic Service of the Department of Public Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs only in electronic form will be introduced to the person who has concluded the contract on purchase of motor transport by JSC "UzAuto Motors."

This procedure gives priority to real customers when purchasing a car. That is, citizens will be prevented from selling their contracts for the purchase of motor vehicles to other people. The vehicle is registered in the name of the person in whose name the contract is registered and included in the database of the Traffic Service.