From December 29, migrant workers in Russia will be required to submit photos, fingerprints and tests to the authorities

As of today, changes to the law have come into force in Russia, which stipulates that migrant workers who intend to stay in the country for a long time are expected to be fingerprinted, photographed and examined.

Migrants planning to stay in Russia for more than three months had to go through the above procedures within a month. If a foreigner does not plan to work in Russia, yet stays for more than three months, he will be given 90 days to undergo similar procedures.

Physical examination includes testing for common infectious diseases, including HIV. Addiction is also checked.

According to an order from the Ministry of the Interior, migrant workers who submit their photographs and fingerprints to the database can obtain a patent to work in the form of a chip card with these photographs and prints; series and also on the card his patent number, full name, date, date of birth, citizenship, series and number of identity card, profession, TIN and the name of the region where the migrant works.