Granting citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a simplified procedure

A meeting of the "Milliy Tiklanish" Democratic Party faction was held in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, and the deputies discussed the draft law “On Amendments and Additions to the Law“ On Citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan ”.


In recent years, unprecedented work has been carried out in our country to ensure the constitutional rights of citizens, including the granting of citizenship to stateless people.


For instance, 482 people received citizenship before 2016, but since December 2016, this number has increased to 16 thousand citizens.
Currently, practical work in this direction continues. In particular, amendments are being made to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated March 13, 2020. Accordingly, stateless persons permanently residing for fifteen years will be directly recognized as citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Also, a child is recognized as a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan, whose parent is recognized as a citizen of the country who has not received foreign citizenship and lives in Uzbekistan.


The deputies also discussed the draft law "On Amendments and Additions to the Code of Criminal and Administrative Liability."

Other issues included in the faction's agenda were also discussed, and appropriate decisions were made.