How will joining the WTO affect business in Uzbekistan?

On October 27 this year, the International Hotel in Tashkent hosted two round tables with the business community and academia on the organization of Uzbekistan to the World Trade Organization (WTO).

This event was held within the framework of the official visit of the WTO Secretariat headed by Deputy Director General S. Zhang in the period October 26–31, 2021 and with the support of the United Nations Development Program in Uzbekistan.

During the round table, the topic of joining various sectors of the country, etc. was discussed. Deputy Director General of the WTO S. Zhang acquainted the participants with the experience of joining the WTO and the work done to mitigate negative joins to the Organization for the private sector of the PRC.

Following the results of the round tables, participants in an active dialogue between a representative of the public and private sectors, as well as expanding the involvement of scientific research institutions of the republic in the process of joining the WTO, were accepted.