Interior Ministry and National Guard officers will be responsible for the security of the presidential elections

On October 7, 2021, a regular meeting of the Central Election Commission took place.

It discussed the issues of taking measures to maintain public order and ensure public safety during the presidential elections, accreditation of international observers and media representatives.

In holding the presidential elections in Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Guard will ensure public order and security.

The responsible officer ensures the protection of the premises in which the ballots and other documents are stored from the moment of receipt of the ballots, as well as the transportation of documents with the election results, under the supervision of the members of the district and precinct election commissions.

At the same time, he must take measures to maintain public order and ensure public safety without violating the right of voters to vote by secret ballot, equality and freedom of expression, as well as the legitimate interests, rights and freedoms of participants in the electoral process.

He is prohibited from interfering in the affairs of the election commission.
The event announced the number of accredited international observers and media representatives.

In total, 380 observers from foreign countries and international organizations have been accredited today.

Currently, 1357 representatives of local media and 146 representatives of foreign media are accredited.