Issues of supporting youth in the Khorezm region were discussed

On January 5 of this year in Urgench, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan S. Umurzakov held a meeting with young entrepreneurs of the Khorezm region.

During the meeting, issues of the development of youth activities and entrepreneurship were discussed, as well as mechanisms for establishing a direct dialogue between young people and state authorities. The role of the younger generation as a driver of innovative development of society and the economy was noted, in connection with which the importance of creating an integrated system of comprehensive support for the implementation of youth projects and initiatives, ranging from comprehensive education and advanced training, to practical support in creativity and entrepreneurship, was emphasized.

During the discussion, youth representatives voiced a number of problems they faced in implementing their own projects, including a lack of experience in doing business, an insufficient level of professional knowledge, the need for financial resources, land plots, buildings and structures, the presence of bureaucratic barriers and other factors.

It is worth noting that, in addition to private issues, young people put forward important systemic problems for discussion and proposed their concrete solutions. A common priority was identified to work together to improve the access of young people in remote areas and rural areas to social services, to acquire the necessary professional skills, as well as to provide equal opportunities for the implementation of creative and business ideas.

In addition, during the meeting, detailed information was provided on existing and developing mechanisms to support youth in employment, the implementation of projects and startups, as well as participation in socially oriented initiatives.

Based on the results of the conversation, the most promising proposals and business ideas were selected for detailed study and refinement in order to form specific projects, search for funding sources and develop mechanisms for practical implementation. Responsible leaders were instructed to provide comprehensive support in the implementation of these proposals.
