It is planned to start mass vaccination in Uzbekistan after March 21

Mass vaccination of the population of Uzbekistan against coronavirus with the Anglo-Swedish drug AstraZeneca ("Astrazeneca"), produced in India, will start after national Navruz holiday, which is celebrated  on March 21. Bokhodir Yusupaliev, Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic, Head of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health Service, announced about it on Wednesday.

“AstraZeneca, the first batch of which was delivered to Uzbekistan, is recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization). According to him, the republic hopes that this vaccine will be useful. First of all, medical workers in contact with covid patients, workers and teachers of kindergartens, schools and universities, employees of internal affairs bodies will be vaccinated.

To implement the tasks set for vaccinating the population in all regions of the republic, about 3200 centers were created, and almost a thousand mobile vaccinated teams were formed. Also in Uzbekistan, a Chinese vaccine ZF-UZ-VAC 2001 is expected and negotiations are underway to acquire Sputnik V.