It is proposed to build a new International Airport between the three regions

On April 11, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the presentation of projects in the transport and communal areas.

The strategy of development of the airports of our country until 2035 has been developed, and the program of implementation of this strategy until 2026 has been discussed in the presentation.

Bunda is intended to specialize in airports, including the transformation of Tashkent airport into international hub, Navoi airport, Habi, Samarkand and Bukhara airports into tourism destinations.

With the modernization of the Tashkent International Airport, it is planned to increase the capacity of passengers to 2,400 people per hour, increase the registration, passport control and exit routes.

It is known that three airports in the Fergana Valley – Andijan, Namangan and Fergana-are located within the cities and are densely surrounded by surrounding buildings, so the possibility of their expansion is limited. Therefore, it is proposed to build a new International Airport between the three regions.

The general plan of Tashkent-East airport was also discussed. Information was given about the projects on the construction of new passenger terminals in Bukhara and Urgench airports, as well as establishing the activities of the territorylararo loukoster company.

The president of our country gave instructions on increasing and improving the quality of services in airports, ensuring the popularity of prices.

The presentation also considered plans to update and increase the coverage of the Heat Supply System.

In 2022-2026, it is planned to reconstruct 172 boiler houses and 482 kilometers of network, modernize 109 boiler houses and 543 kilometers of network. As a result of this, the level of coverage with centralized heat supply reaches 52 percent from the current 66 percent.

The head of our state gave instructions on the digitization of the heat generation and use system, expansion of Public-Private Partnership in the field, financial recovery of heat supply enterprises.