Karakalpakstan: Unleash Economic Potential

What is being done for the socio-economic development of the northernmost region? This was studied by a working group headed by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sardor Umurzakov.

It includes the first persons of ministries, departments and banks. They visited Nukus and all districts of Karakalpakstan to study the implementation of the President's instructions, communicate with the population, identify existing problems and help in solving them.

On the basis of this, a draft government decision on the integrated socio-economic development of the Republic of Karakalpakstan has been prepared, which takes into account targeted tasks for each district. To enhance its relevance, the document was discussed at meetings of territorial Kengashes of people's deputies.

The working group got acquainted with the implementation of investment projects in the fields of industry, agricultural sector and the creation of high-tech export-oriented industries. It was emphasized that it is necessary to identify the main points of economic growth and take specific measures for their development.

 Practical steps are outlined to accelerate the execution of infrastructure and other projects. The target parameters of the programs being formed to improve the well-being of the population of the districts and for the integrated development of 45 makhallas, which are lagging behind in terms of development, are considered. It was about the inventory of all institutions requiring construction and repair work and equipment. For example, these are service facilities in Takhiatash and Nukus districts, road infrastructure in Kegeilinsky and Muynaksky, drinking water supply systems in Karauzyak and Chimbaysky, health care in Kanlykulsky, preschool education in Ellikallinsky.

 The results of the field events were summed up at a video conference, in which the responsible leaders of the republican and local levels took part. Instructions were given to reflect all the initiatives and comments of the deputies of local Kengashes in the draft government decision on the comprehensive development of Karakalpakstan.