Meeting of the Secretary General of the Turkic Council with the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, acting chairman of the Turkic Council Ilham Gaidaruly Aliyev received the Secretary General of the Turkic Council Baghdad Amreev.

B. Amreyev reported to the President on the preparations for the summit of the Turkic Council in Istanbul on November 12. The head of Azerbaijan also received detailed information on the issues on the agenda of the summit, program and frequent decisions.

Mr. President noted that the preparation for the summit is proceeding with high quality and highly appreciated the work of the Secretariat of the Turkic Council.

Ilham Aliyev said that this will be a historic summit, will make a great contribution to the unity of the Turkic world, economic and political power, strengthening relations with the outside world.

During the meeting, issues of cooperation in the economy, transport, tourism, youth, sports, culture and science were discussed.