Meeting of the Uzbek-Saudi Business Council

On September 3, the 2nd meeting of the Uzbek-Saudi Business Council was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to discuss issues of investment cooperation in various fields.

The Business Council was opened by the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry A. Ikramov, the chairman of the ACWA Power, the co-chairman of the Saudi-Uzbek Business Council M. Abbunain and representatives of the business circles of the two countries also took part in it.

"Over the past two years, bilateral cooperation between Uzbekistan and Saudi Arabia in the political, trade, economic and investment spheres has been developing rapidly." - noted A. Ikramov.

During his speech, Chairman of ACWA Power M. Abbunayn highly appreciated the reforms implemented in Uzbekistan over the past five years, as well as the opportunities created for entrepreneurs, noting that cooperation with Uzbekistan is a great honor and a real responsibility.