Meeting with Ambassador of Canada

On May 31, 2022, Vladimir Norov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, received Alison Mary Leclerc, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Uzbekistan (with residence in Moscow).

The Ambassador of Canada praised the huge reforms taking place in Uzbekistan in various spheres of state and public life. Despite the difficult situation in the world, Uzbekistan maintains to move steadily along the path of reform, as noted at the meeting. Government of Canada expresses its readiness to assist Uzbekistan in this direction.

Parties agreed on the need to make more effective use of the existing potential in cooperation. According to E.M. Leclerc, Ottawa supports the comprehensive development of political dialogue with the Republic of Uzbekistan. The first step is to hold inter-ministerial consultations on foreign affairs, which have been procrastinated due to the pandemic.

As E.M. Leclerc notes, there are a number of opportunities to accelerate relations in commercial, economic and investment spheres. Uzbekistan is a promising area for Canadian business, while Canadian companies plan to take an active part in the privatization process in the country, creating jobs and developing "green technologies."

The issues of expanding bonds in the field of education were addressed at the meeting. Parties expressed their alacrity to consider the opening of branches of leading universities in Uzbekistan, joint training of personnel in various sectors of the economy.