Meeting with Chinese investors

Tashkent hosted a meeting with representatives of Chinese business and investment circles operating in Uzbekistan in cooperation with the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China.

Thanks to the support of the state, constant dialogue and the desire to promptly resolve issues arising with partners, the trust of investors is growing and the investment climate is being improved.

In particular, the number of enterprises with Chinese fund in Uzbekistan has increased significantly over the past five years. In particular, if in 2017 there were 870 such enterprises, today their number is close to 2,000. Chinese business investments in the Uzbek economy have reached $ 9 billion US.

The conversation was organized in an informal atmosphere. The purpose was to discuss the problems of business in a reliable environment and develop appropriate mechanisms for their solution on the spot, as well as to consider promising ways to strengthen the position of Chinese capital in the Uzbek market on the basis of these proposals.

The meeting was attended by representatives of more than 20 Chinese companies operating in Uzbekistan. Among them are large companies such as ZTE Corporation, Asia Trans Gas, China Construction, Shanghai Construction. Entrepreneurs gave a brief overview of their activities, introduced and ongoing projects, short-term plans, as well as challenges in practice.

At the end of the event, the effectiveness of the dialogue format was noted, and it was decided to hold such meetings on a regular basis.