Mehrli maktab state educational school will be established

The Government adopted a Decree “On measures to introduce a system of pre-school education and upbringing and general secondary education for children treated at the Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Clinical Immunology”.

According to the resolution, the Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Clinical Immunology established the “Mehrli Maktab” (Mercy School) state educational institution to effectively organize the process of pre-school education and general secondary education for children undergoing treatment.

“Mehrli Maktab” has the status of a legal entity and is established under the Ministry of Public Education.

The following preschool groups are available at “Mehrli Maktab”:

preschool education groups - groups established in medical and preventive institutions for children aged 2 to 7 years who are receiving inpatient treatment and are unable to attend preschool education institutions due to their health;

play groups for children of early developmental age - groups organized in inpatient treatment and prevention facilities for children aged 1.5 to 2 years, where care and supervision are organized with the active participation of parents;

preschool hospital groups, play groups for children of early developmental age.

Admission to the pre-school hospital groups is based on the lists provided by the “Mehrli Maktab”.

The center provides general secondary education for grades 1-11 based on a specially developed curriculum for patients.

Classes last 35 minutes in grades 1-4 and 40 minutes in grades 5-11. In this case, the daily lessons should not exceed 3 hours in grades 1-4 and 4 hours in grades 5-11 with 5 days study week.