Ministry of Innovations held an exhibition in honor of World Cotton Day

The Ministry of Innovative Development hosted an event dedicated to October 7 - World Cotton Day.

An exhibition of cotton varieties, irrigation equipment, fertilizers and seeds, light and food industry products was organized in the exhibition hall of the Ministry.

Within the framework of the event, a scientific and practical conference was also held on the topic "Innovative development of the cotton industry: theoretical and practical aspects."

The conference was opened by the Minister of Innovative Development Ibrohim Abdurakhmonov and the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Alisher Turaev.
It was noted that large-scale work in the field of cotton growing is being carried out in Uzbekistan: 122 cotton-textile clusters, scientific centers and institutes of cotton are conducting research on the creation of new high-yielding, early maturing, drought-resistant and varieties, innovative technologies, equipment, and equipment for processing cotton are being developed.

The ministry is implementing 11 innovative projects in the cotton industry for a total of 6.5 billion soums. Today, a number of projects are being studied by scientific and technical councils.

In addition, on the occasion of World Cotton Day, the “Meeting of Three Generations” was held with the participation of young scientists, students and schoolchildren.