Most developed countries will be able to get out of the pandemic crisis with minimal losses

According to the forecast of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), most advanced economies will be able to get out of the pandemic crisis with minimal losses, writes the Financial Times. They owe this to the successful vaccination program of the population, as well as the ability to dramatically increase government spending and loans to channel funds into the worst-affected sectors of the economy, according to the IMF.By 2024, the decline in production volumes compared to pre-crisis forecasts in developed countries will amount to only 1%. For comparison: after the recession of 2008-2009, this gap was more than 10%. According to IMF chief economist Gita Gopinath, the economic losses from the pandemic will be "much less than the consequences of the global financial crisis," and they will leave "very few scars" on the economies of developed countries.For the American economy, the pandemic crisis, according to the IMF forecast, will completely disappear without a trace. According to Gopinath, the United States is the only country in which production volumes will exceed the level of pre-crisis forecasts. The country's GDP is expected to add 6.4% in 2021, and 3.5% in 2022.Developing countries, in turn, will feel the effects of the coronavirus pandemic for a long time to come, according to the IMF. In almost all of them (with the exception of China), the decline in production compared to pre-crisis forecasts will amount to almost 8%.The slowest, the fund predicts, will recover from countries with limited access to vaccines, weak financial systems and a tourism-dependent economy.